Aware Parenting Workshops


The Aware Parenting Institute is an international organization with certified instructors in 24 countries who are helping to spread this philosophy around the world. Aware Parenting is based on the work of Aletha Solter, Ph.D., a Swiss American developmental psychologist, international speaker, consultant, and author of six books, which have been translated into many languages. She is recognized internationally as an expert on attachment, trauma, and non-punitive discipline, and she has given presentations for parents and professionals in 19 countries.

This web page features Aletha Solter's upcoming presentations. The certified Aware Parenting instructors around the world also offer lectures and workshops for parents on a variety of topics based on the Aware Parenting approach. Please contact these people directly for information about Aware Parenting activities in their area.

List of countries with Aware Parenting Instructors. (Click on the links for each country for more information.)

If you would like to invite Aletha Solter to give a Zoom presentation or an in-person presentation, please contact her by e-mail (


Three-minute video about Aletha Solter's workshops


April 12, 2025: Two-hour Zoom presentation
Topic: Understanding tears and tantrums

from 10 AM to 12 noon (Pacific Daylight Time)
from 8 PM to 10 PM (Turkish time)
Please consult a time zone converter for the exact time in your location.

This presentation will be in English with simultaneous translation into Turkish.

Parents often feel confused, helpless, impatient, or angry when their children cry or rage. They wonder if they should comfort, ignore, distract, punish, or give in to their child’s demands. This presentation explores the reasons for crying and tantrums, with specific emphasis on the sources of stress in children’s lives and the importance of crying as a stress-release mechanism. Participants will gain confidence as they learn supportive ways to respond to children’s strong emotions.

This presentation is for parents as well as professionals. The information applies to children from one to eight years of age. It includes time for questions, and there is no break.

This Zoom workshop is hosted by Dr. Ismail Balci at Attendance is limited to 24 participants.

Click here for more information in Turkish.

Click here for a flyer with more information in English.


May 9, 2025: Four-hour Zoom workshop
Topic: Discipline without punishments or rewards (in English)

Time: from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).
Please consult a time zone converter for the exact time in your location.

This workshop covers the Aware Parenting approach to discipline. Participants will learn how to encourage cooperation, set limits, and solve conflicts with children without being either authoritarian or permissive. Topics include the disadvantages of punishments and rewards, the three reasons for behavior problems, and the basic techniques of nonpunitive discipline.

This workshop is primarily for parents, but it is also of interest to professionals. The information applies to children from birth to 12 years. The workshop includes some small-group exercises, time for questions, and one short break.

Registration has not yet begun. Please check back soon for registration information.


July 2025: Workshops in Norway

Dates and topics to be determined. Please check back soon for more information.


September 2025: Full-day Zoom workshop
Topic: Helping children heal from stress and trauma (in English)

Time: from 9 AM to 4 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).
Please consult a time zone converter for the exact time in your location.
There will be a one-hour break from 12 to 1pm.

Stress and trauma early in life can alter children's neurobiological systems and lead to anxiety, aggressive behavior, hyperactivity, attachment disorders, sleep problems, learning difficulties, depression, and physical illnesses. Luckily, children know how to heal from trauma if we give them the opportunity. You will learn how to create an atmosphere of emotional safety in which babies and children can restore emotional health. The focus will be on facilitating children's spontaneous stress-release mechanisms of play, laughter, crying, and raging.

This workshop is of interest to parents and other caregivers, therapists, psychologists, teachers, social workers, and health professionals. The information applies to children from birth to age 12.

Date to be determined. Please check back soon for more information.


Comments from workshop organizers and sponsors

"I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Aletha for making the Aware Parenting conference in London possible. It was absolutely amazing. I was moved by the amount of people who came to hear her speak, especially those who travelled so far to come to London. I was overwhelmed by the warmth and kindness shared among the attendees and blown away by the content of Aletha's workshops."
—Rebecca Sheikh (Level 2 Aware Parenting instructor and Founder of Flourishing Childhood, London)

"Thank you for your great presentations. The feedback from your talks was uniformly glowing. You're a pro!"
—Ed Hofmann-Smith, ND (The Natural Childbirth and Family Clinic, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.)

"Thank you so much for your workshop. It was incredibly inspiring to me, and I know also to the others who attended."
—Jenny Hornung (Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.)

"As a mother and therapist working in Johannesburg, South Africa, the workshops were a reminder of how crucial it is to keep our children's spirits intact, right from the beginning. I was reminded of so many things, but especially the importance of connecting, holding and unconditionally allowing our children to express what they feel. Thank you for travelling so far to share your teachings with us."
—Michele Wolhuter (Therapist, Johannesburg, South Africa)

"Thank you so much for your time with us in Sedona. Feedback from parents continues to come in on how helpful the workshop was for them, and how much they valued what you offered. I am very pleased to say that these families have told me that they are already putting to use your suggestions... The moms have expressed how thrilled they are to have partners who now understand and are genuinely excited about putting Aware Parenting practices to work within their families. What a truly valuable gift Aware Parenting is in a world in which we have lost touch with our innate nurturing instincts."
—Charity Cygal (Director of the Red Earth Waldorf Kindergarten, Sedona, Arizona, U.S.A.)

"I am so grateful for you coming to Australia to spread Aware Parenting further round the globe. In particular, I was so impressed with your presentation style and how you found a way to include humour, research, your own experiences, practical suggestions, and also the experiences of the participants with their own children as well as with their parents. Your workshops reconnected me to the deep trust in each baby and child to do what they need to do, given enough aware attention."
—Marion Rose, Ph.D. (Level 2 Aware Parenting instructor, Byron Bay, Australia)

"Congratulations for your elegantly clear presentation at the San Francisco Congress."
—David Chamberlain, Ph.D. in Psychology (President, Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health)

"I have gotten such wonderful feedback from those who attended the Florida workshops. You have not only changed our lives but the lives of many who attended...We feel so much more understanding, knowing now how our son will attempt to heal from various stresses and traumas. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, perplexed or angry, we feel more calm and thrilled to have some parenting tools to help him heal. The patience this kind of knowledge gives us is just amazing. It has also helped us to understand ourselves so much better."
—Kathy Brown (Founder, Parenting the Soul, St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.)

"I had the occasion to meet people who told me that they appreciated your talk in our Swiss village very much. As for myself, I was touched by the simplicity with which you presented the subject and gave your examples. I thank you for this model of authenticity that spoke to the heart of everyone."
— Christiane Raboud (President of Parents' Association, Grimisuat, Switzerland)

"The people who came to your workshop in Geneva had nothing but good things to say about it. One woman told me that her husband said she was so much calmer and happier, and he asked what was going on. She replied that she felt so different about her child's crying that it improved her whole attitude."
—Lisa Lindsey-Brandli (Kindermusic teacher, Geneva, Switzerland)

"Your talk in my town in Austria was wonderful! The audience was fascinated by your method."
—Monika Lintner (Director, Parenting Center, Kirchdorf, Austria)

"I knew many of the 200 people at your Brussels workshop and people have been calling me to give me their positive impressions. Thank you for having opened up this enormous field of exploration and help for families. I wish you all the best, and specifically to reach more and more people in order to revolutionize our way of raising children. This is what a revolution is, isn't it? It's not always with noise and violence. Your actions are a part of this subtle revolution that I hope will make humanity more human, more aware."
—Monique Somers (Therapist, Waterloo, Belgium)

"Your workshops here in the Netherlands were a real success...I liked your illustrations, the content, and your enthusiasm."
— Hanneke van Hasselt (Therapist, Velp, The Netherlands)

"Wow! The San Francisco workshop was a fabulous success in all respects. You are a phenomenally experienced, knowledgeable, and charming speaker, and everyone learned a lot. Thank you so much."
—Margo Braver (San Francisco, California, U.S.A.)

"Mexican parents were very happy to have you in Mexico. You opened hearts for respect and love for children."
—Renée Guindi Cohen (Director of Música Prenatal, Mexico City, Mexico)

"It was a pleasure and a true honor to meet you in person. We have received many messages from the workshop participants saying how inspiring it was. The big change in parenting is slowly happening!"
—Dovilė Šafranauskė, Respectful Parenting (Pagarbi tėvystė), (Lithuania)


Comments from workshop participants

(Full-day Zoom workshop participant) "Thank you for the incredible workshop. Your work is such a gift, and I found myself filled with laughter and tears throughout the day. Your storytelling is hilarious and engaging, and you are remarkably gifted at teaching this tender content in a direct and compassionate way. My spouse and I say to each other nearly daily how grateful we are to have found Aware Parenting. It has guided our parenting and also invited us into deeper healing and connection with ourselves and each other. We often hear people comment on how joyful and alert our daughter is and the deep eye contact she makes with them."

(From Santa Barbara, California) "Thank you so much for the super helpful workshop yesterday! It felt so good to feel renewed in my confidence and clarity about being with my kids in a way I feel better about already. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will be keeping my eyes peeled for another opportunity to soak up your wisdom and sweet testimonies. I so loved your stories, and the way you hold children in your heart. Thank you for this beautiful work that you do and share."

(From Santa Barbara, California) "After the advanced workshop, a few more things clicked for me, and I have been really encouraging my daughter (age two) to express more feelings... Lately, she has been telling me, 'Mommy is better mommy,' and 'Mommy is new mommy.' I thought I was doing pretty well before, but apparently she has noticed quite a difference. So I am grateful to you."

(From the UK) "I feel privileged that I could attend your workshops in London and hear directly from you about your work and your experiences with children and parents. I valued your empathetic and realistic tone. I felt nurtured."

(From South Africa) "By the end of the workshop in Johannesburg I made an internal commitment to never spank my sons again. For the first time I could understand that such authoritarian methods are actually disrespectful and harmful to children."

(From France) "Your workshop in Paris was an outstanding experience to me. I really enjoyed attending! I was surprised how openly participants responded to your workshop and discussed their own childhoods among each other."

(From Spain) "Many thanks to Aletha Solter for everything she has taught us in order to respect all the needs of our children." "The workshop has helped me become a better human being in all the facets of my life as a therapist and mother."

(From Canada) "I am a child protection social worker in Canada. I recently attended two days of workshops with Aletha. Not only am I preaching her words of wisdom to all my clients who struggle with parenting, but I have changed my own parenting style. No more punishments or rewards for my kids....just love, patience, guidance and understanding. Thank you, Aletha!"


This page was last updated on March 25, 2025. Copyright © 1996 to 2025 by The Aware Parenting Institute. All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including copying to other web sites, and including translations), without written permission from Aletha Solter.