Foreign language editions of Aletha Solter's books
Aware Parenting is a philosophy of child-rearing that has the potential to change the world. Based on cutting-edge research and insights in child development, Aware Parenting questions most traditional assumptions about raising children, and proposes a new approach that can profoundly shift a parent's relationship with his or her child. Parents who follow this approach raise children who are bright, compassionate, competent, nonviolent, and drug free.
Aware Parenting is based on Aletha Solter's books: The Aware Baby,
Cooperative and Connected (a revised edition of Helping Young Children Flourish),
Tears and Tantrums, Raising Drug-Free Kids, Attachment Play, and Healing Your Traumatized Child. These books are available from the major online booksellers.
Dr. Solter's books have been translated into many languages. Please contact the publishers listed below, a bookstore in your country, or an online bookseller to order the foreign language editions.
Chinese Language Editions
Czech Language Editions
Dutch Language Editions
Estonian Language Editions
French Language Editions
German Language Editions
Hebrew Language Editions
Hungarian Language Editions
Italian Language Editions
Korean Language Editions
Lithuanian Language Editions
Marathi Language Editions
Polish Language Editions
Portuguese Language Editions
Romanian Language Editions
Russian Language Editions
Spanish Language Editions
Turkish Language Editions
Chinese Language Editions
- Attachment Play
Published in 2020 by Hangzhou Gardensoul Health Consultancy Co., Ltd.
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Published in 2021 by Hangzhou Gardensoul Health Consultancy Co., Ltd.
- Cooperative and Connected
Published in 2022 by Hangzhou Gardensoul Health Consultancy Co., Ltd.
- Tears and Tantrums
Chinese language rights sold in 2019 to Hangzhou Gardensoul Health Consultancy Co., Ltd.
- Healing Your Traumatized Child
Chinese language rights sold in 2022 to Hangzhou Gardensoul Health Consultancy Co., Ltd.
Czech Language Editions
Five books are published by Nakladatelství Triton.
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Czech title:Moudrost raného dětství
Published in 2014.
- Tears and Tantrums
Czech title: Slzy raného dětství
Published in 2016.
- Cooperative and Connected
Czech title: Bez trestů a odměn
Published in 2019.
- Attachment Play
Czech title: Hry šťastného dětství
Published in 2021.
- Healing Your Traumatized Child
Czech title: Hojivý proces při traumatu u dětí
Published in 2023.
Dutch Language Editions
Three books are published by Uitgeverij De Toorts, The Netherlands.
- The Aware Baby (first edition, out of print)
Dutch title: Baby's weten wat ze willen.
Published in 1991
(This edition is out of print)
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Dutch title: Baby's weten wat ze willen.
Published in 2009
- Helping Young Children Flourish
Dutch title: Het ongedwongen kind
Published in 2004
- Tears and Tantrums
Dutch title: De taal van huilen
Published in 2000
Estonian Language Editions
French Language Editions>
- The Aware Baby (first edition)
French title: Mon bébé comprend tout.
First published in 1989 by: Editions Privat, which subsequently sold the rights to: Dunod, Paris.
(This edition is out of print)
French pocket book editions published in 1998 and 2013 by: Marabout/Hachette
(This edition is out of print)
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
French title: À l'écoute de mon bébé.
Published in 2019 by Editions Jouvence
- Helping Young Children Flourish
French title: Comprendre les besoins de votre enfant
Published in 1993 by: Editions du Trécarré (Quebec)
Distributed in Europe by: Dunod ( Paris)
(This edition is out of print)
French pocket book edition published in 2000 by: Marabout/Hachette
(This edition is out of print)
New French edition published in 2007 and 2015 by: Editions Jouvence
New French title: Bien comprendre les besoins de votre enfant
- Tears and Tantrums
French title: Pleurs et colères des enfants et des bébés.
Published in 1999 and 2015 by: Editions Jouvence
- Attachment Play
French title: Développer le lien parent-enfant par le jeu
Published in 2016 by Editions Jouvence
German Language Editions
- The Aware Baby (first edition)
German title: Warum Babys weinen.
Published in 1987 by:
Kösel Verlag
(This edition is out of print)
German pocketbook edition published in 2000 by:
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
(This edition is out of print)
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
German title: Wenn Babys weinen.
Published in October 2009 by:
Kösel Verlag
- Helping Young Children Flourish
German title: Wüten, toben, traurig sein
Published in 1994 by: Kösel Verlag
(This edition is out of print)
- Tears and Tantrums
German title: Auch kleine Kinder haben grossen Kummer. Über
Tränen, Wut und andere starke Gefühle.
Published in 2000 by: Kösel Verlag
(This edition is out of print)
- Attachment Play
German title: Spielen schafft Nähe - Nähe löst Konflikte.
Published in 2015 by: Kösel Verlag
- Cooperative and Connected
German title: Kooperative und Kompetente Kinder
Published in 2021 by Kiener Verlag
- Healing Your Traumatized Child
German language rights sold in 2022 to Kiener Verlag
Hebrew Language Editions
Four books are published by Achiasaf Publishing House, Israel.
- The Aware Baby (first edition)
Published in 1999
- Helping Young Children Flourish
Published in 2000
(This edition is out of print)
- Tears and Tantrums
Published in 2002
- Attachment Play
Published in 2014
Hungarian Language Editions
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Hungarian title: A Bölcs Baba
Published in 2011 by Agykontroll Ltd.
- Attachment Play
Hungarian title: Gyógyító és kapcsolódó játékok
Published in 2020 by Nyított Akadémía
Italian Language Editions
Three books are published by Edizioni la Meridiana, Italy.
- The Aware Baby (first edition)
Italian title: Il bambino consapevole
Published in 1997
- Helping Young Children Flourish
Italian title: Mamma, io sono grande! Como far fiorire la personalità dei bambini.
Published in 2000
- Tears and Tantrums
Italian title: Lacrime e capricci
Published in 2007
Korean Language Editions
Lithuanian Language Editions
Four books are published by Zmogaus psichologijos studija
- Tears and Tantrums
Lithuanian title: Ašaros ir pykčio priepuoliai
Published in 2018.
- Attachment Play
Lithuanian title: Prieraišusis žaidimas
Published in 2020.
- The Aware Baby
Lithuanian title: Sąmoningas Kūdikis
Published in 2022.
- Healing Your Traumatized Child
Lithuanian title: Vaiko gijimas po trauminės patirties
Published in 2023.
- Cooperative and Connected
Lithuanian title: Bendradarbiavimas ir ryšys
Published in 2024.
Marathi Language Editions
Polish Language Editions
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Polish title: Jak porozumieć się z małym dzieckiem
Published in 2008 by: Hachette Livre Polska.
Portuguese Language Editions
Romanian Language Editions
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Romanian title: Bebelusul meu intelege tot
Published in 2006 by Cosmos
(This edition is out of print)
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Romanian title: Bebelusul meu intelege tot
Published in 2017 by Editura Herald.
- Helping Young Children Flourish
Romanian title: Copiii nostri frumosi si sanatosi
Published in 2006 by Cosmos
(This edition is out of print)
- Helping Young Children Flourish
Romanian title: Copiii nostri frumosi si sanatosi
Published in 2018 by Editura Herald.
- Tears and Tantrums
Romanian title: Lacrimi si crize de furie
Published in 2013 by Casa Editorială Ponte
- Raising Drug-Free Kids
Romanian title: O viata fara droguri
Published in 2015 by Editura Herald.
- Attachment Play
Romanian title: Jocul atasamentului
Published in 2017 by Editura Herald.
- Healing Your Traumatized Child
Romanian title: Ajuta-ti copilul sa se vindece de trauma
Published in 2023 by Editura Herald.
Russian Language Editions
Spanish Language Editions
The following books are published by Ediciones Omega, Barcelona.
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Spanish title: Mi bebé lo entiende todo
Published in May 2002
- Helping Young Children Flourish
Spanish title: Mi niño lo entiende todo
Published in June 2002
(This edition is out of print)
- Tears and Tantrums
Spanish title: Llantos y rabietas
Published in June 2002
- Attachment Play
Spanish title: Juegos que unen
Published in November 2013
- Cooperative and Connected
Spanish title: Mi niño lo entiende todo: Niños que cooperan
Published in 2018
- Healing Your Traumatized Child
Spanish title: Ajuda a tu hijo a curarse del estrés y el trauma
Published in 2023
Turkish Language Editions
- The Aware Baby (revised edition)
Turkish title: Bilinçli Bebek
Published in March 2010 by Dogan Yayinlari
- Helping Young Children Flourish
Turkish title: Çocuğunuza Kulak Verin
Published in September 2012 by Dogan Yayinlari
(This edition is out of print but has been replaced by the revised edition, Cooperative and Connected.)
- Cooperative and Connected
Turkish language rights sold in 2021 to Dogan Yayinlari
- Tears and Tantrums
Turkish title: Ağlamalar ve Öfke Nöbetleri
Published in 2019 by Dogan Yayinlari
- Attachment Play
Turkish title: Oyun Oynama Sanati
Published in April 2017 by Dogan Yayinlari
- Healing Your Traumatized Child
Turkish title: Travma Ya?ayan Çocu?unuzu ?yile?tirmek
Published in 2023 by Dogan Yayinlari
- Raising Drug-Free Kids
Turkish title (first edition): Uyuşturuculardan Korunmuş Çocuk Yetiştirme
Turkish title (second edition): Çocuk Yetiştirme Rehberi
Published in 2007 and 2009 by Kuzey Yayınları
This page was last updated on December 30, 2024. Copyright © 1996 to 2024 by The Aware Parenting Institute. All rights reserved. No part of this web page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including copying to other web sites, and including translations), without written permission from Aletha Solter.