How to contact the Aware Parenting Institute
Aware Parenting Institute (
To contact the Aware Parenting Institute and our publishing company, Shining Star Press:
Telephone and Fax: +1 (805) 968 1868. (Please leave a message with your question, the best time to reach you, and your time zone. We do not return telephone calls to foreign countries.)
Mailing address: P.O. Box 206, Goleta, California, 93116, U.S.A.
To contact Dr. Aletha Solter, the best way is by email:
Email: or
Telephone and Fax: same as above
Mailing address: Same as above
Please note that Dr. Solter offers consultations for parents but does not give parenting advice by email or through Facebook.
For information about foreign language rights for Aletha Solter's books:
Please contact Aletha Solter (see above).
To obtain advice and support for practicing Aware Parenting:
Please visit our Parent support page
To find an Aware Parenting Instructor in your country:
Go to our home page and click on the flag for your country.
For information about becoming an Aware Parenting instructor:
Click here for our Certification requirements and application procedure